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Download the Free Guide to Heated Apparel

Learn the most effective ways to stay warm in 2017

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What's in the eBook?

We cover pretty much everything you need to know about heated clothing. If you spend time in the cold and hate it, read on and learn how the newest and most innovative technologies can keep you warmer than ever before. It's time to love the winter season again.

1Chapter 1 Intro to Heated Gear

Know why it's the new craze and how you can stay safe and warm. Learn the health benefits and best practices.

2Chapter 2 Where to use Heated Gear

Discover what activities heated gear can be used for and how you are most likely to benefit.

3Chapter 3 What's Available and what's the Difference

Learn about the technology, what's available and how it can help you.

4Chapter 4 Plan Your Next Trip!!

Now that you are and expert on everything heater gear, plan your next winter getaway!

After reading this ebook you will be able to confidently purchase the gear you need to keep warm and active all winter long.

"Besides the health benefits, the biggest benefit of heated gear is the ability to just stay comfortable. Heated apparel offers an opportunity for people to be able to go out and enjoy all the things that life has to offer and be comfortable while doing it.This opens the door for folks to go Places and do things that they would not have normally done without the comforting warmth of heated clothing."

Robert Cooper Senior Warming Expert, The Warming Store